
Saturday, October 27, 2012 it as scary as it seems?

So, every writer has their own habits that work for them.  Some people work in the morning.  Some are night owls.  Some can't work unless they've had their cup of coffee or their favorite music playing in the background.  Writers tend to be rather fickle creatures.  Don't believe me?  Try watching one work sometime.  One issue we tend to debate is whether it is better to have a strict plot that you stick to or if it's better to go with what you come up with in the moment kind of thing.  Well, I have always been one of those people that decided okay, here are my characters, add some magical element and a vague idea of where the last chapter would lead and then I embarked on the journey.  And those have been very long roads.  I worked on a book called Thunderstorm for about 3 years before I called it complete, and then spent the next 6 trying to rewrite the dang thing before someone wiser than me suggested I shelve it.  (Shelving that novel is a story for a post of its own.)  As you can see, that method took me about 9 years to no avail.  I had a few side projects, but I never finished any of them.  So, considering my 9 year and counting record, I have made some pretty far reaching goals for Susceptible.  And that means that I'm going to have to change up my game.
I am switching from my free-spirited ways to a more organized plotter.  However, I am writing myself a reminder on all my notes that everything is FLEXIBLE!!!  I am one of those people that struggles--okay freaks might be a better word--when things don't go according to plan.  So, flexibility and reminding myself to still embrace those moments when my muse decides to dump on me.  (Look for a post in the near future where we delve into the identity of this muse of mine.  Its strange ways are beginning to intrigue me.)  Anyway, I started my plotting today and it almost made me giddy to have the basic flow for 7 or 8 chapters ahead of where I am currently working.  The mysterious middle section of my novel that's been looming over my head began to take form and made my NaNo goals seem attainable.   I won't have to waste several days trying to figure out what the heck is going to happen next that will lead us to that ultimate goal of the awesome conclusion.  The beginning, middle and end must contain equal parts awesome sauce ( and yes Ali, that phrase was used just for you) with maybe a slightly larger heap of awesome at the end.  The middle is the meat.  It must not be neglected.  We'll see how my muse and I handle this new idea of plotting.  Stay tuned to find out. :-)

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